Athletes are always looking for a competitive edge. Professional athletes spend a lot of time and money on training and treatments, so it can be a little overwhelming for the beginner athletes looking to up their game. So, for those just getting started, here are a few fundamental tips that will help you train like a professional athlete in no time.

train like a professional athlete


Focus your training on the skill(s) you are trying to improve. For example, if you are a soccer player then you want to focus a large portion of your training to lower body power and explosion. Don’t totally neglect the rest of your body, but no need to spend hours building powerful arms when you can’t use them.

Check out these exercises from a Cristiano Ronaldo routine that was shared by

      • Barbell Squat
      • Box Jump
      • Depth Jump Leap
      • Scissors Jump
      • Lateral Bound
      • Burpee Pull-Up
      • Bench Dips
      • Pushups
      • Medicine Ball Chest Pass
      • Push Press
      • Power Clean
      • One-Arm Side Deadlift
      • Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift
      • Knee Tuck Jump
      • Overhead Slam

Great explosiveness and lower body strength are key elements to being a great soccer player. It’s also what the routine is geared for.  As you shift focus to the performance phase of training be sure to ask yourself how each exercise will improve your ability to perform.

2. EAT

Professional athletes train at very high intensities. As a result, they burn a tremendous amount of fuel that needs to be replenished. Adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates are needed to fuel your body for frequent training. Carbohydrates help provide the necessary energy for your body to perform. Protein is going to help your muscles rebuild effectively between workouts. Without proper nutrition, your body will lack the appropriate fuel it needs to recover. It is also extremely important to hydrate before, during, and after workouts.


Athletes train on a daily basis and take little time off so it is important to cool down properly after training. Stay off of your feet and relax as much as possible to aid in the recovery process. Also, make sure to get as much sleep as possible. Pro athletes are great nappers!

The higher the intensity, the more you need to allow your body to recover. There is a reason pro athletes spend thousands of dollars on recovery techniques to try and fight fatigue.

According to Forbes, NBA Superstar Lebron James is rumored to spend about $1.5 MILLION per year on off-season recovery efforts. I am not encouraging you to empty your bank accounts for recovery specialists. The point is not the money Lebron spends on recovery. It is his dedication to recovery that needs to be noted.

If you can engrain these principles into your training and you will be training like a professional athlete in no time.